Hardy: Time for sync project focus and here is how

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Mon Sep 3 23:56:29 UTC 2007

> Eh, some say that for a yorkshire lad i'm a tad sensitive, i'd tend to
> agree. I just wasn't prepared for such a full frontal assault, especially
> with my pride (in Conduit) taking a big hit.

Scouse vs Yorkshire programmers, bound to be a problem lol.

> I hope Conduit will be able to take advantage of PackageKit to
> automatically install needed support packages (I don't think its wise to
> support every device officially - some of the configurations are *very*
> flakey. Not opensyncs fault, just bad vendor implementations and such.

Would be a good feature to have, so you don't have to install all
packages, nor do you have to drop support.

> Basically, I would hope that instead of abstracting our abstractions you
> would help us improve them. We are quite accepting of things that improve
> our interfaces and not afraid to fix our badly broken designs.

That's the new plan, basically I'm going to route for a situation
where a small gui python app does the desktop intergration and
notifications with the system tray; conduitGUI does all the fancy
option and in depth options and configuring, including the status,
conflict and report gui's, conduits manager will be the control centre
using opensync, hal and cron as the very basic last tiers.

Sound good? I know this will take you guys a while to do, so I will
plan on working with you further.

> Using opensync as an endpoint (like that term btw)

It pretty much the only thing I have to do now, champion the use of
the term 'end point' :-P

> Its worth noting the planned timescale on this is quite short

This is good news, I shall subscribe you conduit mailing list to keep
up to date and then update guys here and the wiki for further details
and ways to move forwards.

> As a seasoned irssi fan, i'm not anti-CLI. I just wanted to be clear that
> making the user need a CLI at any point, I'd consider that a failing on
> our part.

Absolutly, if a lib is worth anything at all it'll be able to cope
with gui and cli clients.

> Conduit (head/trunk) will be available with opensync before the opensync
> meet. Simply as i'd like to be able to show off a little in Germany! But
> the internal sync won't be culled for a while. Even if we decide its not
> the default, it will still be a backup option. (As i've said, its compact
> and easy to maintain).

Perfect, well I think you guys know what your doing and I'm pretty
sure you know what I'm looking for and what I want to see from my
development of a nice gui for gnome/kde/xfce.

You will be making sure to not advertise yourselves as gnome only?
because that kills cross desktop projects faster than Wellington's
wellington boots. and the first thing someone said to me was "Conduit,
that gnome sync project" the very idea that you would sync a gnome
(but no throwing)

Best regards, Martin Owens

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