UI for backports usage

Reinhard Tartler siretart at ubuntu.com
Wed Oct 24 06:39:12 UTC 2007

John Dong <john.dong at gmail.com> writes:

> No, IMO the UI, underneath, should be adding the entire backports repository,
> just all packages pinned back. 

This does not necessarily need pinning via /etc/apt/preferences. Apt has
a feature which does something similar. Please compare 




wrt to the NotAutomatic: Yes field in bpo.

I always wondered by ubuntu backports don't have that field.

See http://backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=instructions for
instructions how to use them. If backports were NotAutomatic: yes, then
the instructions would reduce to step 3, i.e.:

apt-get -t gutsy-backports install "package"

Synaptic and aptitude already offer a nice interface for selecting
specific version (i.e. backports for instance).

John, does this satisfy your concerns?

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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