4 More days...

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at canonical.com
Tue Oct 16 09:00:27 UTC 2007

On Oct 16, 2007, at 2:06 AM, Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> ...
> I've been running Gutsy for a little over two months now.  In part
> because I wanted to help out. But it's quite disheartening to file bug
> reports (some of which are seemly serious) only to find that they don't
> merit any kind of response other than "undecided" for days (or perhaps
> weeks) on end.
> ...

There are more people reporting bugs than evaluating new bug reports. 
And there are, in turn, more people evaluating new bug reports than 
actually fixing the bugs. The more popular Ubuntu becomes, the bigger 
both of those disparities will become.

So if you're interested in helping out, one route would be to join the 
Bug Squad. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/GettingInvolved> After 
that you could find ways to encourage others to join the Bug Squad, 
and/or find ways to make Bug Squad members more efficient.

Another route would be to become an Ubuntu developer.
<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers> After that you could find 
ways to encourage others to become developers, and/or find ways to make 
developers more efficient.

Matthew Paul Thomas
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