4 More days...

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 05:44:45 UTC 2007

On 14/10/2007, John Dong <john.dong at gmail.com> wrote:
> This is not very constructive. All of us here put our heart and effort
> into the distro and comments like this don't help. Exactly what things
> are bug-ridden that need attention? It's one thing to raise awareness of
> last-minute important bugs, but this seems to be nothing more than
> flamebait

It seems that there are always going to be people who are frustrated
by one thing or another. Lets hope that Don Kelly can find the time to
work out his problems and let us know what the problems where. Unless
your providing real answers or important questions I don't know why
Don should email on this list.

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