apt-cacher in main

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 15 12:05:01 UTC 2007

Am Mittwoch, den 14.11.2007, 11:38 -0500 schrieb Fabian Rodriguez:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> (not sure if this made it so re-sending)
it did :)

> Hi,
> I'd like to propose moving apt-cacher to main. I haven't done main
> inclusion reports before so bear with me while I dive into this :)
in edubuntu we face the fact that governments and schools start rolling
out really huge deployments in the near future (see macedonia with a
total of 185000 systems for example), if you maintain 5000 seats in one
school or 10000 in one municipality it comes in pretty handy to have an
apt-cacher in your network to not saturate your internet connection for
updates. so i'd like to second the main inclusion.

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