GIMP *final* release for Gutsy?
Joseph Price
pricechild at
Sat Nov 10 19:46:50 UTC 2007
On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 12:30 -0700, Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
> And lastly, what are the Ubuntu devs *developing* in the case of
> compiling existing source code from the GIMP? As far as I can tell
> there is nothing different between the version of the GIMP shipped with
> Ubuntu Feisty as there was with Fedora 7 (both now *old* Linux distros).
Maybe you should actually get involved with ubuntu development, learn
how some things work (not packaging as you've already stated you can't
possibly do that, how about bug triaging?) to realise the countless
hours of effort every day put in by the Ubuntu developers with little to
no thanks and many people like you with these clever new ideas and
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