Release candidates in main - was: GIMP *final* release for Gutsy?

Scott (angrykeyboarder) geekboy at
Fri Nov 9 21:07:47 UTC 2007

Kai Schroeder spake:
> Scott (angrykeyboarder) wrote:
>>> Gutsy shipped with a *non-final* release of The GIMP (2.4 RC3, to be
>>> specific).
> Apart from the question whether an update should land in updates or
> backports, I think there definitely is a valid point here: Users have
> been taught that beta software (or release candidates) should not be
> used on production machines. Now, every time they start the gimp, a
> splash screen appears which says "release candidate" and a lot of them
> (correctly imho) feel they should not get beta software during a
> distribution upgrade. As someone has said in this thread, the version
> shipped with Ubuntu may even have additional patches to the official
> release candidate. Perhaps, in the future one should think about
> renaming release candidate software (at least when this is so clearly
> visible on a splash screen) to "Ubuntu version" or something like that?

THANK YOU!!!!!!!

I've never used an OS I didn't (dis)like.
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