Grouping preferences/Administration items?

Evan eapache at
Sun Nov 4 01:10:50 UTC 2007

On 11/3/07, Sebastian Heinlein <glatzor at> wrote:
> But I am going to try to merge the resolution changing capplet into the
screen and graphics preferences for Hardy.

My first instinct would be to merge it with Appearance, since it is a
user-specific not a system-wide thing, but "Screens & Graphics" does fit as
a better title. If PolicyKit is mature enough in Hardy, perhaps it would be
possible to merge all three (Appearance, Screen Res, and Screens and
Graphics) into one capplet called "Display" or something. Of course, that
would end up with an awful number of tabs.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to unofficially request the ability
to change a monitor's colour depth from the "Screen" tab of Screens and
Graphics. I know that most people won't need this, but there are a few
possibilities where it would be needed (bug 32716 as an example). Just a

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