Checking /usr/local/ before upgrading
Jan Claeys
lists at
Thu Nov 1 08:24:30 UTC 2007
Op woensdag 31-10-2007 om 09:57 uur [tijdzone -0500], schreef Christofer
C. Bell:
> From the FHS document:
> "The /usr/local hierarchy is for use by the system administrator when
> installing software locally. It needs to be safe from being
> overwritten when the system software is updated. It may be used for
> programs and data that are shareable amongst a group of hosts, but not
> found in /usr."[1]
> If you rename it, move it, or otherwise get rid of it, you're
> "overwriting" the contents of /usr/local. You are "removing" it from
> integration with the system. The onus is on the system administrator
> to test their software to ensure that it works with a new operating
> system release. If the system administrator doesn't do that, it's not
> the fault of the operating system that the software doesn't work. If
> it's unknown if the software will work or the system administrator
> wants to preserve /usr/local while not having it visible during the
> upgrade, then they need to take care of that themselves before
> performing the upgrade.
> Are you suggesting the installer present a message saying something
> like, "The contents of /usr/local may or may not be compatible with
> this release. Would you like to rename /usr/local to /usr/
> now and verify compatibility later? [Yes] [No]"? While I don't have an
> issue with that, will doing so break compatibility with the FHS?
I only suggest not using it during the system upgrade (and similar
tasks), which is perfectly fine; there is nothing in the FHS that says
that all applications MUST use libraries (and maybe tools) in
'/usr/local', it only says that those shouldn't be overwritten (which
won't happen).
Jan Claeys
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