I'd like to discuss how difficult it is to add a third party repository
GatoLoko .
gatoloko at gmail.com
Mon May 28 10:43:25 UTC 2007
2007/5/28, Dean Sas <dean at deansas.org>:
> Not in Gutsy at least, there's an authentication tab in
> software-properties-gtk, you can press the "import key file" and browse
> to a key file to add that.
That's in Feisty too, but then you need to download the key file before
trying to import. It would be nice to have an option to import a key file
directly from an URL (pointing to where the key file is shared by the
packages author, probably the repository server) or even with a key ID (as
we do with: gpg --keyserver subkey.php.net --recv-keys $KEY_ID && gpg
--armor --export $KEY_ID | sudo apt-key add - )
Raúl Soriano (GatoLoko), SpainTeam Local Community Contact.
http://www.ubuntu-spain.org - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GatoLoko
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