Draft procedure for processing the Universe Sponsor Queue

Adrien Cunin adri2000 at ubuntu.com
Sat May 26 13:54:53 UTC 2007


Le samedi 26 mai 2007 à 09:16 +0900, Emmet Hikory a écrit :
> * Why set "In Progress" and self-assign when beginning a review
>     This acts as both a marker that the bug is under review (to
> prevent duplication of work), and sends a stock message to bug
> subscribers, which message is easily translated, does launchpad
> support native-language status messages in the future.  The effort
> involved in marking "In Progress" and self-assigning is no more than
> that of leaving a comment indicating one is currently reviewing it,
> and does not clutter the comment thread.

You say self-assigning when beginning a review, but I guess the sponsor
will stay assigned once the bug is closed. See below why I don't agree
with that. IMO adding a comment is enough, if you think you will need
some time to review.
So far, when sponsoring, I've self-assigned the bug when it's a bug
requesting sponsoring, for example the merge bugs.
When it's an actual bug that have been picked by a contributor, who
attached a debdiff, I let him assigned. Why? because the real person who
fixed the bug is not me, I just check the sanity of the debdiff and
upload. Letting people assigned to the bugs also makes easier for them
to keep track of what bugs they have been working on (useful for eg.
MOTU application :)). We keep the contributor in the Changed-By field
when uploading, so why not keep him as bug assignee?
Btw, but it's probably off-topic, I wonder why sync requests' Changed-By
field is set to the developer who ACKed the sync, and not to the
contributor who requested it.

> * Why use "Fix Committed" rather than "Fix Released" when the upload occurs
>     When an upload happens, the fix is not actually released, just
> submitted to the archive.  It is the responsibility of the sponsored
> to watch the builds, and if they fail, adjust the package to build or
> request a give-back from the buildd administrators.  Once the package
> is built and released on all architectures, the bug should be marked
> "Fix Released".

I agree and would like to add another point: during freeze times (I mean
when the archive is frozen for release, not UVF or FF freeze), an upload
may not be approved before a few hours, so "Fix *committed*" is
absolutely right here.

> As sponsors will remain the Assignee of the bug, they
> may check up to make sure that those they have sponsored are closing
> their bugs by using their +assignedbugs page.

For that part, as I said above, I would prefer keeping the contributor
as the assignee of the bug, so: if the contributor is someone who have
already been sponsored a few times, he will know that he has to change
the status to "Fix released" once the package is built; if the
contributor is new to the process, you can just add a note about that in
your comment.

Adrien Cunin aka Adri2000
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