KLF Setup

Johnathan Falk johnathan.falk at clinton.k12.mi.us
Sat May 5 15:49:51 UTC 2007

Truly I don't even care about active directory.  I am trying to run a completely ubuntu shop.  I just used AD as an example of a system that works.  See I have licensing for all of my workstations and several copies of 2k3 server. So running a windows network is not a problem in fact I have been doing it for a long time. Now I am trying to go to a completely ubuntu setup with ubuntu servers running kerberos, ldap, and nfs and ubuntu clients with their homedir on the server.

Johnathan Falk
Network Administrator
Clinton Community Schools

Date: Fri, 04 May 2007 08:09:03 -0700
From: George Farris <farrisg at cc.mala.bc.ca>
Subject: Re: KLF Setup
To: ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com
Message-ID: <1178291343.18595.8.camel at localhost>
Content-Type: text/plain

You couldn't be more right about this.  I've been through this myself
and though I did manage to set up samba and ldap there are so many
howto's and other pieces of information that contradict one another it,
is just plain ugly and that's being kind.  Clear concise and TESTED
instructions on the Ubuntu site would be a real help.

Even a setup script would be a better first step, something like:

would you like to set up

[ ] ldap
[ ] samba
[ ] nfsv4
[ ] kerberos

Do you need to connect to ADS as a workstation
[ ] yes
[ ] no

Do you need to be a member server in an ADS tree
[ ] yes
[ ] no

Even that would be better than what happens now
If I had experience with Kerberos and an ADS machine to play with I
might do this but I just don't have the resources.

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