feisty beta: broken dependencies

Mark Reitblatt Mark at Reitblatt.com
Mon Mar 26 04:17:39 UTC 2007

On 3/25/07, Wenzhuo Zhang <wenzhuo at zhmail.com> wrote:
> As Adri2000 pointed out off-list, this is a known problem
> <https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnucash/+bug/92477>.


>This is not a real problem. The aptitude UI prompted dependancy
problems upon >start. After I applied its suggestions, all the above
Broken flags are gone. >Aptitude didn't install any packages in the
process. Could it be a bug of aptitude >itself?

Possibly. File a bug against it on LP.

> One kind fellow pointed out off-list that it's not a proper place to discuss the >dependency problem, and that I should file a bug report instead. Is this the >etiquette or the policy of the ubuntu-devel-discuss list? Personally I cannot agree >with him. On the contrary, I think people should search the bug tracking system >and/or discuss it on mailing list first before filing new bugs.

As pointed out above, this is a known issue w/ an existing bug report.
If everyone sent an email to this list before filing a new bug, we'd
get 100's of emails a day. That's clearly not an efficient process for
a project the size of Ubuntu, and is one of the reasons for a (highly
active!) bug tracker. It's much easier to have problem reports start
as a bug report (or support request) and then direct as needed.

Mark Reitblatt

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