Tablet PC and Summer of Code in Ubuntu

Scott Ritchie scott at
Sat Mar 24 03:08:21 UTC 2007

Hi, I just wanted to call to the Ubuntu list's attention that there is
also a discussion of getting tablet PC support into Wine.  Developer Dan
Kegel even suggested it as a Summer of Code project.

I encourage Charlotte (or anyone else interested in tablet PC support)
to also give the winehq list a try - they might even help mentor you.
Also, if your summer of code project seems to help multiple
Google-sponsored projects (eg Ubuntu and Wine), it's more likely to be
approved :)

Scott Ritchie

>From the wine-devel mailing list:
Re: SoC idea: Tablet PC support (was: pressure sensitive tablet support)
On Fri, 2007-03-23 at 18:57 -0700, Dan Kegel wrote:
> On 3/21/07, Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> > While looking around for a project idea, I noticed that people
> > are starting to ask for pressure sensitive tablet support in
> > Photoshop on Wine.  Seems like it could be a fun project
> > for some Summer of Code student.
> Update: wintab32 is already implemented in Wine,
> but there's a new API being pushed by Microsoft
> for Tablet PC applications.  So the idea is instead
> "Get Tablet PC applications working on Wine", focusing
> on Tablet PC apps that offer pressure sensitivity, say.
> (I thought that FIrefox's GeckoTip extension used
> the new tablet PC APIs, but after looking at the
> source, I'm not so sure... I'm sure there are lots of
> good demo apps somewhere.)
> This assumes that Tablet PC apps don't yet work on
> Wine.  I haven't tried... the place to start is probably
> to get the Tablet PC SDK (a free download if you have
> Windows) and start playing with it.
> - Dan

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