Open Port Indicator?

Conrad Knauer atheoi at
Wed Mar 21 06:34:39 UTC 2007

On 3/20/07, Andrew Jorgensen <andrew.jorgensen at> wrote:

> > > > Now, what concerns me is that once you enable Remote Desktop there is
> > > > no Notification Area icon indicating that its active and so it can
> > > > easily be forgotten about.
> > >
> > > There is in Feisty.
> >
> > ???  Not AFAIK (and I'm running the latest version of Feisty from the
> > repositories).  Go System -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop enable it
> > and press close.  There are no Notification Area icons (or any other
> > icons that I'm aware of) to indicate that RD is running and
> > listening...
> That's odd.  I see it.  Also you can see a screenshot of it in the
> gnome 2.18 release notes.

If you mean
that's not what I'm talking about :)

I'm talking about before a connection is made, when RD is running and
listening on a port.  Unless a connection is made, there are no
notifications and so you can easily forget that its running at all
(the example that brought this to my attention (that I linked from my
first post) was a fellow who enabled RD and then forgot about it for
months, until an unknown someone tried to access his computer via it
and quite startled him!)

My point was that any program that opens a port should cause a
notification icon to be made to allow a desktop user to know that 'at
a glance'.  This is especially true for anyone using Ubuntu as a
Desktop OS as they're less likely to be aware of background processes
that open ports.


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