Ubuntu derivative package naming guidelines

David Farning dfarning at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 23:24:39 UTC 2007

One of the challenges of creating the Derivative Team [1] is managing
the chaos introduced by the large variety of distributions[2].

As such, I would like to discuss some package naming guidelines for
Ubuntu based derivatives.

The two basic uses cases are customized packages and new packages.

1a. The French localization team is interested in customizing a package
to make it local specific.
1b. The Newbuntu organization is interested in shipping a non-standard
version of a package.

2. The Newbuntu organization is interested in shipping a package that is
not in the Ubuntu archives.

The catalyst for this discussion is avoiding the difficulties presented
when debugging and upgrading automatics packages. 

1. We want to make it obviously clear where a particular packages came
from for debugging purposes.

2. We want to make it obviously clear when upgrading that a non standard
upgrade path is being taken.

Would it be appropriate to establish a standard where customized,
non-standard, or new packages are prefaced by their distribution name.

For example:

firefox becomes Newbuntu-firefox
mplayer becomes automatic-mplayer

This follows that established pattern of ubuntu-desktop becoming

1. wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam
2. wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeTeam/Derivatives

David Farning <dfarning at gmail.com>

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