vs. Backports...

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Mon Mar 5 23:45:12 UTC 2007

On Sat, Mar 03, 2007 at 01:16:44PM -0500, Michael R. Head wrote:
> I just came across today. The goals appear to be similar
> to those of the backports project (to provide the latest versions of
> desktop apps for previously released versions of Ubuntu). 
> However, they also have a number of packages available that aren't in
> either Debian or Ubuntu's universe (for example Referencer:
> ). I'm wondering if there's
> some way to get a dialog started to make sure the work of the
> folks gets integrated into the universe. 

I'd never heard of it until now.  I'm CCing the MOTU Council, who I hope can
provide a channel to begin a conversation with them.

 - mdz

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