Launchpad bug workflow change

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at
Tue Jun 19 22:24:27 UTC 2007

Phillip Susi wrote:
> Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
>> If you are not a developer then it is misleading to set it to In 
>> Progress because nobody is actually working on the fix and it may 
>> never be fixed.
> There are those of us who are not developers but do still work on 
> fixing bugs ;)
> Non developers should be able to set these states if the bug is 
> assigned to them.

I don't think you should assign a bug to yourself if you are not working 
on fixing it. IMO you should try to move it along to the Triaged state 
as efficiently as possible and bugs should be assigned to the developer 
or dev team who is going to fix it.

I realise that this thinking does not match current triaging policy but 
IMO that policy should be changed. Too many bugs are being held up in 
half-triaged states. Important bugs are sometimes not getting the 
attention they should while less important ones are cluttering up the field.

FWIW, I'm not a developer myself, I'm simply looking at ways of making 
the triage process more structured and efficient.


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