Fwd: Bug 114503

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 10 17:43:56 UTC 2007

#NOTE: I sent this to the kubuntu-devel list initially, and was informed I 
should I have CC'd this list. Thanks.


This is an annoying little sucker and I wanted some input on this. It would be 
rather simple to fix actually.

Here is the depends for the language-support-fi (this goes for all 

Depends: mozilla-firefox-locale-fi-fi, openoffice.org-l10n-fi, 
thunderbird-locale-fi, tmispell-voikko, libenchant-voikko, 
openoffice.org-voikko, openoffice.org-hyphenation
Recommends: language-pack-fi

Here are the depends for mozilla-firefox-locale-fi-fi:

Depends: firefox | language-support-fi
Conflicts: firefox (<< 1.99), firefox (>> 2.0.999)

Here are the depends for thunderbird-locale-fi:

Depends: mozilla-thunderbird | language-support-fi
Conflicts: thunderbird (<< 1.4.99), thunderbird (>> 1.5.z999)

Wouldn't it make sense to make the Firefox and Thurnderbird locale packages to 
Suggest: Firefox and Thunderbird instead of depending on them? With it 
depending on the, people are getting Firefox and Thunderbird when isntalling 
their locales. This isn't right :/

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
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