All-sides Testing Report of Ubuntu-7.04 from BSTQC

konghao konghao at
Mon Jul 23 07:34:05 UTC 2007

>> konghao schrieb:
>>> Release of All-sides Testing Report of Ubuntu-7.04
>> Is this "pure" 7.04, or are updates taken from the ubuntu-security and/or
>> ubuntu-updates repositories?
>The question is whether you downloaded/installed the updates after 
>installing from the CD?

We have different kinds of testing, the testing for Ubuntu is product-testing which should be based on a stable version of software, so we did NOT downloaded/installed the updates after installing from the CD. 
There are some other kinds of  testing which are going with the process of developing, but these kinds of testing are just open for commercial testing.  

>We do not have a shortage of bug reports, but rather of well defined 
>reports. Bugs should have the right package assigned and duplicates 
>should be marked. We also have more benefit from bugs filed against the 
>.development version (now Gutsy)

Yes, agree with your, well defined descriptions are the most important point of report. We have the professional engineers , they have mass of experience of how to describe the bugs. We also have rules of describing and confirming reports to make sure that the bugs could be tracked and recured easily. 
In our report, there are different level of bugs severity(from S1 to S5).  I think you can have a review of them from the most serious level(in this report is S2 becasue 7.04 don't have S1 bug), S2 bugs are not so much and would not cost you much time.

I will contact BugSquad members to talk about how to handle this report.


Konghao -BSTQC

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