Handling crash reports

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 29 07:48:27 UTC 2007


David Farning [2007-01-28  2:10 -0600]:
> A few of the new crash reports are starting to roll through for firefox.
> Very nice. 

\o/ :)

> Since Feisty is currently a testing environment would it be feasible to
> have the crash reporter automatically run retrace -d on crash reports
> before uploading them until this service is implemented.

This would impose a quite large burden to many developers without
unlimited mega-bandwidth, and annoy many feisty users even more (I
regularly get complaints about the current info collection process
being way too slow).

I totally agree that the current way to get a better stacktrace is a
bottleneck, and currently apport-retrace does not even work at all on
the 'new-style' bug reports with separate attachments (this will be
fixed very soon, though).

So I think right now we have to live with the current situation. Of
course everyone can just install the -dbgsym packages on their system
if they want to, so that you get good stack traces right away.


Martin Pitt        http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer   http://www.ubuntu.com
Debian Developer   http://www.debian.org
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