flash player 9 -don't include it in Feisty

Conrad Knauer atheoi at gmail.com
Fri Jan 19 10:06:02 UTC 2007

On 1/19/07, Daniel Robitaille <robitaille at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> > I would like to ask the devels not to include Flash 9 in our
> > repositories... It is too damn buggy, and it's not worth the bad PR
> > Feisty might get with crashing Firefoxes...
> I have been using Flash 9 for weeks, with the first 2 beta and now the
> final, with Firefox in Dapper, Edgy, and now Feisty, and I can't
> remember having one single crash due to flash.  And I use it quite
> regularly (i.e, daily) on various online sites.
> So I'm not experiencing the type of crashes you are seeing.    I
> wonder what makes some people seeing these crashes, and not others.
> And being a close source plugin, I suspect we'll never know...

I've not had crashes, but on quite a few videos it will hit a point,
repeat for a second or two and then jump ahead.  Also, processor usage
will go way up (I have a P4 2.6 GHz, but its not quite powerful enough
apparently ;) and won't always release the CPU fully when done ( and
sometimes it will stick at near 100% so I have to restart Firefox to
get the temp of my laptop down).  Perhaps the crashes he's having are
related, but his processor isn't as fast?

Still, I'd very much prefer to see Flash 9 stay in Feisty; it will no
doubt get better in the coming months as bugs get squashed and there
are a LOT of sites that are using Flash 8 these days.  If we're going
to offer proprietary Flash at all, it would be *worse* press IMHO to
consciously choose to have a version that doesn't work on 'big name'
(e.g. movie) sites.

For the Flash 7 Player he could always add the Edgy multiverse repo
and use the one from there... (in Synaptic: Package -> Force Version
and then Lock Version)


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