feedback and help for mousetweaks specification

Francesco Fumanti francesco.fumanti at
Sun Jan 14 21:29:48 UTC 2007


I would like to inform you about the mousetweaks specification 
created by Henrik Nilsen Omma in launchpad. I fleshed it out in the 
corresponding wiki page:

At the moment, it contains 4 mousetweaks:

1: accessing the contextual menu by a click&hold of the left mouse 
button (usually it is done with a right click)

2: dwell clicking: i. e.: software to emulate the various mouse 
clicks without the user having to press any button

3: tremor reduction: smoothing the pointer movement of people that 
have a trembling hand

4: mouse gesture: triggering commands (actions) on the computer by 
doing determined gestures with the pointer

Unfortunately, I do not have the know-how to do the implementation; 
in fact, as you can see, the implementation part in the specification 
is nearly empty.

There is no point in trying to classify the mousetweaks: For example, 
there is probably only a small userbase (people that are able to move 
the pointer but that are not able to click any button) for the 
mousetweak #2, but as long as the functionality of mousetweak #2 is 
not available in Ubuntu, any person of that specific userbase will 
not be able to become an Ubuntu-user.

But the mousetweaks are not exclusively accessibility related: for 
example the functions of mousetweak #4 are particularly appreciated 
by some powerusers; there is even a thread in the forums from people 
that were used to mouse gestures in Windows and are missing it in 

But I suppose that this list is not the place to discuss the 
popularity or userbase of the different softwares... (or am I wrong?)

I hope that the mousetweaks specification will find some interest and 
I welcome any help, suggestion, remark, correction, addition to 
improve the specification and to get it on its way to an 

Thanks in advance.

Francesco Fumanti

PS: I have also opened a thread in the Accessibility Forum about the 
mousetweaks specification to also inform people about it that do not 
use this mailing list:

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