Which third party repository do you use?

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Sun Jan 7 21:54:40 UTC 2007

Dennis Kaarsemaker wrote:
> On za, 2007-01-06 at 17:30 -0800, Constantine Evans wrote:
>> Perhaps it would be better to allow repositories to add an extra file
>> that would contain a title and description, and then use that
>> information? Such a method would require that repositories do extra
>> work
>> to support it, but I expect that most safe repositories would do so.
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/software-channels

I had read that spec in the past, but I had totally forgotten about it. 
  This makes much more sense if it is implemented.  I added a suggestion 
that I thought of while reading through it, and subscribed myself so I 
won't forget it in the future.


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