Which third party repository do you use?

Sebastian Heinlein glatzor at ubuntu.com
Sat Jan 6 22:14:09 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, den 06.01.2007, 20:23 +0000 schrieb Alec Wright:

> Wow! This is a pretty good idea.
> In the software sources program, the Third Party tab can be renamed to
> Custom Software Sources or something, and there could be a tab added
> where you can check some checkboxes for third party repositories. It
> could be called "Extra Repositories" or something. But the only problem
> I can think of is that we're always being told, "don't use 3rd party
> repositories". I suppose that what we could do is add a not saying
> something like, "These repositories are not supported or reccomended by
> Cannonical, and are only added here for your conveinience, as they are
> commonly used."

Thanks for sharing your sources list. I am not sure if this is such a
good approach. If there is highly recommended software, we should try to
get it into the Ubuntu archive and not encourage users to install
software from somehow untrusted software providers.



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