An Entirely Different Approach on LiveCD Installer.
Joel Bryan Juliano
joelbryan.juliano at
Mon Feb 12 13:07:25 UTC 2007
On 2/12/07, Jonathan Carter <jonathan at> wrote:
> Hi Joel
> Joel Bryan Juliano wrote:
> > Since Squashfs 3.1 had been released, it now supports specifying "the
> > filename or the directory within the Squashfs filesystem that is to be
> > extracted, rather than always extracting the entire filesystem."[1]
> > This allows the LiveCD to function in different ways rather than
> > loading the entire desktop onto the memory. For example, make the
> > LiveCD to load only the necessary files to run the Desktop, but only
> > of limited applications. This may help breaking the minimum memory
> > requirements of the LiveCD which is really big. Another approach is to
> > create a RHGB/Firstboot like application that would only be used for
> > installing the LiveCD onto the system, that works like the alternative
> > install CD, but on X.
> The current Ubuntu live CD squashfs doesn't get loaded into memory at
> the moment, it gets mounted and then files are read transparently from
> the filesystem.
> As for the RHGB/Firstboot idea, I tend to agree with you. We already do
> it in tuXlabs, where we have a dialog that pops up before the desktop
> loads on the live CD, asking whether the user wants to install, or use
> the LiveCD. This makes it possible to install using Ubiquity on a
> machine with only 128MB RAM.
> -Jonathan
Hi Jonathan!
That is really nice work! Is it open source? will it be implemented on
future Ubuntu LiveCD? Is the source code available for the chooser?
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