Changing dpkg-deb default compression from gzip to lzma for Hardy
Thilo Six
T.Six at
Mon Dec 17 14:54:50 UTC 2007
Krzysztof Lichota wrote the following on 17.12.2007 13:05
recently i also tried 7z for my backups and in comparation to bz2 it seems to
take a bit longer during compressing but is faster on extraction.
Also the compressed file with 7z is ~30% compared to a bz2 one.
> It is hard to judge best compression using only one package. It is
> possible that for other packages other compression schemes would be
> better. Have you run built other packages? ?The best would be to rebuild
> whole repo with new compression scheme and compare the results, so that
> it does not appear, for example, that packages stop fitting into one CD.
atached is a more detailed analysis trying to compare gz, bz2 and 7z (aka LZMA).
I tried it once for (mostly) textfiles as source and once on a binary file in
both compressing and extraction.
> Krzysztof Lichota
key: 0x4A411E09
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