Fwd: Mono (Re: New Programs for Hardy?)

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 19:37:45 UTC 2007

On Dec 13, 2007 1:58 AM, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> > F-Spot and gThumb are very similar in capabilities on local images.
> > Though F-Spot's interface is a little cleaner.  But the big difference
> > comes in Web2.0 integration.  GThumb has none, while F-Spot integrates
> > with Flickr, Picasa, etc.  Hands down, this is what end users expect,
> > and it is gThumbs that needs to be eliminated.
> Users who want any of these applications can get them from the
> repositories; just because you like the applications doesn't make them
> good for inclusion by default. The argument seems to be that we should
> sacrifice 60MB of CD space for a handful of extra features. The space
> instead could be used to have many more user friendly features than
> just nice sticky notes and Flicker intergration.

This is one of the reason why Linux in general only appeal to geeks,
and why Windows is still the primary OS of choice for non-geeks.
Tomboy and F-Spot are two most useful and innovative Linux applications
in the desktop, removing them will give non-geeks no reason to switch
to Linux.

This move is headed in a backward direction, and will not provide any solution
to solve bug #1, piracy, poor software quality and many other proprietary-model
related problems.

Mono, is a direct invitation for Microsoft Windows developers to jump in
the Linux development scene, to provide more innovations, solutions
and man-power.

> > As for Tomboy vs GNOME sticky notes, this one is even more obvious.
> > Sticky notes needs to go away.  GNOME no longer considers it part of the
> > base suite of packages, and has instead worked with Tomboy on tighter
> > and tighter integration.  Tomboy can fire links to open on your  browser
> > or Nautulus, fire alarms as reminders, and integrates with Evolution.
> > Sticky notes does none of that.
> Notes are not a core application, I haven't the faintest idea why we
> include any notes app at all. Some people may find them useful but
> they can quite easily install this extra application.
> > I realize the original argument was about the size of Mono.  And that is
> > a legitimate argument.  But lets also realize functionality and
> > integration needs to be maximized in order to make this distro easy for
> > the noobs it is aimed at.  We already have a distro out there that makes
> > sacrifices of number of packages over space... its called DSL.
> I think some of these arguments are a little biased; I feel like some
> of the developers are championing Mono as a principle rather than on
> technical merits. It's nice that they've invested all this time into
> learning CLI; But we shouldn't let our ego's run away with us. Mono is
> big, too big in fact to be reasonably included by default without
> being biased.
> I'll be happy to see a small light weight notes and photo application
> for inclusion. But at the moment these don't exist and we shouldn't be
> looking for these tiny features when we could be including much better
> things on the CD.
> Regards, Martin Owens

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