too much of a time hence marking a bug invalid

shirish shirishag75 at
Mon Aug 20 13:21:48 UTC 2007

Hi all,
       First of all sorry for the cross-posts, I am consciously this
as some of the guys not be one of the lists but on the other. Onto the
subject matter
      Please look at I am
looking at it purely from a user's point of view. I file a bug, me &
the maintainer/bug-triager has some initial discussions where he/she
asks for some more info. and later on due to the large backlog of bugs
we have he forgets. One of the things the user can do is try to
actively follow-up the bug/s about which various people might have
various views on that.  Another thing is one's interactions with some
of the bug-triagers/developers/maintainers , if they perceive a person
to be an irritation & kinda brush-off then the user also backs off
saying hey its not my thing, if they don't want me to raise hackles
about something then why should I, the end-result being a bug which
could have been dealt with, atleast have some kind of root-cause known
is just buried to surface later when either the user does not have the
same circumstances (in this specific case, a certain kind of file
format which I avoided after that.)
                Some of the things I said are not at all related with
Mr. Sebastian Bacher as he has been extremely co-operative. It's a
kind of pattern I've been seeing with few bugs (within myself) which
kinda get repeated over and I don't like to leave things uncompleted.
I dunno if something can be done about it, or this is the way its
gonna be, just throwing it out in the open.
          Shirish Agarwal
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