What happened to the Ubuntu SoC 2006 projects that we're so excited about?

Ouattara Oumar Aziz (alias wattazoum) wattazoum at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 04:47:42 UTC 2007

Joel Bryan Juliano a écrit :
> What happened to those SoC 2006's "Ubuntu Welcome Center?" and "Panel
> Switcher?"..
> the last time I checked them out through svn around 5 months ago, is
> still the same files I have now.
> It's really disappointing that those people actually have resources to
> make those, and not make use of it..
> I'm so pissed off I actually made my own versions of those software in
> just 2 days time (during midnight in a borrowed computer from a friend.).
> Where is the final product?


What I can tell is, a lot of nice projects are started in the Google
Summer of Code but if the project don't win, then developers let them go .
But we are waiting for people like yourself ( who started to make their
own development )  to take those projects over. :-)


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