Default font settings in Ubuntu

Florian Zeitz florian.zeitz at
Wed Dec 27 18:18:11 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Alex Jones schrieb:
> Hi List
> I propose two changes to the default font settings in Ubuntu.
>      1. Disable hinting so that fonts maintain their original shape
>      2. Enable colourised anti-aliasing, with David Turner's patches
>         applied (pre-made packages available at
>         <> courtesy of Diego Escalante)
> After an infinite amount of fiddling with my monitor's settings, the
> best result was just to set them to default and use the filtered
> unhinted fonts.
> Many people complain that using unhinted fonts makes them look blurry
> and fat. I suggest to them that given 10 minutes getting used to
> unhinted, hinted fonts look eroded, out of shape, and unreasonably
> harsh. Any affinity towards the shape of the hinted (distorted) fonts
> could be resolved by finding a font with the actual shapes they want. In
> many people's opinion, Bitstream Vera Sans is a beautiful font with
> beautiful shapes, shapes which are entirely inconsistent with hinting
> enabled at small sizes.
> Please take a look at two screenshots of an email I have linked for
> your analysis.
>       * RGB Unhinted:
>         <> 
>       * Greyscale Hinted:
>         <> 
> Thanks for reading!

As long as it is configurable I don't really care what is default, but
personally I have the impression that the hinted version looks a lot better.
Actually I debootstraped a feisty today and the first thing I noticed
was that the fonts looked really ugly. After a while I realized, that it
was because I had hinting turned off.
I also tried the David Turner patched debs a while back and they had
some very strange effects for me (red pixels on font boarder).

I still have the impression that none of the options for font rendering
currently available comes even near to Windows defaults (That may be a
matter of taste though).
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)


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