gnome-btdownload removed from ubuntu-desktop?

Andrew Jorgensen andrew.jorgensen at
Wed Dec 20 17:37:14 UTC 2006

On 12/20/06, Ernst Persson <ernstp at> wrote:
> Because it's buggy and unmaintained I guess? It was a very old version.

There are a good number of bugs logged against it in launchpad (some
of them are dups, I'll se if I can clean some up today) but it's not
unmaintained or old.  A new version was released last Sunday and the
version in Edgy was released in July.

So what's the real reason it was removed?  Something to do with the
Bittorrent 4/5 license issues?  Space on the CD?

It seems inconsistent with the "please us the .torrent if possible"
message to remove the nice GUI client.

I'm not opposed to a new client, but there should be a client.

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