Adding my humble ubuntu-based distro to "unsupported platform" dialog in gnome-system-tools.

Joel Bryan Juliano joelbryan.juliano at
Wed Dec 20 11:40:04 UTC 2006

Hello, I'm creating "AMA Desktop Linux" a distribution based on Ubuntu Edgy
and Debian upstream. A project of AMA Computer College, and will be used by
300+ AMA campuses all over the Philippines.

Whenever I configure the network, a "unsupported platform" dialog appears,
however, I searched the gnome-system-tools source and couldn't find any
data on where it get the distribution names.

I like to ask if I can

1. Entirely disable the dialog upon compile
2. Add my distribution name to the list.

If the only option is #2, I want to ask how to do it..

I thank you for all the hardwork you done on Ubuntu and Debian!,
I love you all!! :-)


Carpe Diem
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