Moving irda-utils to ubuntu-desktop?

ido kibovito idokibovito at
Sat Dec 16 10:01:56 UTC 2006


I am trying to help a little with IRDA to work in feisty out of the box. To
be able to beam files between my computer and my cell phone I only need to
do in edgy:

1. apt-get install irda-utils
2. edit /etc/default/irda-utils and set ENABLED="true" (it's false by
3. restart the system (sounds stupid but restarting irda-utils didn't help,
maybe it can be broken down to reloading a module or so)
4. install irda-tray which is a systray app to send/recieve files (not in
ubuntu yet, I'm working on the package right now)

it being so simple to get it working, I suggest to move irda-utils in
ubuntu-desktop, and with a packaged irda-tray, the user only needs to enable
irda in the config. We talked about this in the Ubuntu Open Week and it has
been suggested I contact the list for this.

It would be a first step IMHO, bluetooth is already getting some love, let
IRDA get some aswell.

Let me know what you think,

Best regards,
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