<pre>== Developer Membership Board meeting, 2012-09-10 ==
Chair: Cody A.W. Somerville
Present: Barry Warsaw, Micah Gersten, Stéphane Graber, Stefano Rivera
=== Review of previous action items ===
==== micahg to document the zentyal packageset ====
Impossible as the API doesn't allow it - micahg will file bug. Tumbleweed may look to fix it.
==== laney to delete network-manager packageset ====
Action carried.
==== laney to delete network-manager packageset ====
Action carried.
==== laney to contact TB to see if netbook/unr/mobile packagesets are still needed ====
TB was contacted regarding continued need for netbook/unr/mobile packagesets.
==== stgraber to add ppu for lexical to fwts ====
Action completed.
=== Ubuntu Core Developer Applications ===
==== Ubuntu Core Developer Application: Ricardo Salveti ====
<a href="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RicardoSalveti/CoreDevApplication">https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RicardoSalveti/CoreDevApplication</a>
Ubuntu Core Developer Application: Ricardo Salveti
For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0
Application successful. Ricardo Salveti welcomed as Ubuntu Core Developer.
=== AOB ===
Next chair: Stefano Rivera (tumbleweed)<br><br>September 24th 2012 meeting will most likely be cancelled due to Holiday.<br></pre><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Cody A.W. Somerville<br>Release Engineer<br>Commercial Engineering<br>
Canonical Canada Ltd.<br>Phone: +1 781 850 2087<br>Cell: +1 613 401 5141<br>Email: <a href="mailto:cody.somerville@canonical.com" target="_blank">cody.somerville@canonical.com</a><br>