Developer Membership Board Election Results

Robie Basak robie.basak at
Tue Jul 2 08:51:49 UTC 2024

Voting has concluded for the Developer Membership Board (DMB)
restaffing. The following nominees have been appointed for two year

Robie Basak
Simon Quigley
Benjamin Drung

The following nominees have been appointed for one year terms:

Brian Murray
Utkarsh Gupta
Simon Chopin
Thomas Ward

Lucas Kanashiro, Sebastien Bacher and Łukasz Zemczak are stepping down.
The Technical Board thanks them for their service as DMB members.

Thank you to all those who volunteered, particularly as we struggled to
find enough nominees.

Łukasz Zemczak and Brian Murray were two such candidates who would have
preferred to hand over to others and stepped up only because of the
earlier nominee shortage. They then found themselves elected[1]. With
the agreement of those concerned, we therefore made the following
adjustments, reflected in the results above. Łukasz is stepping down,
passing his seat to the next ranked available candidate instead. Brian
is passing his two year term to the next ranked available candidate,
taking a one year term instead.

We trust that the adjustments will be seen as fair and equitable, given
that the ordering decided upon by the electorate remains honoured and
the electorate chose not to reject any relevant candidate using the “No
further candidates” option. If there are any objections, please make
them to the Technical Board within one week of this announcement.

On behalf of the Technical Board,


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