Welcome Back, Patch Pilots! Ubuntu’s Guiding Stars Return

Philipp Kewisch philipp.kewisch at canonical.com
Fri Sep 1 13:51:07 UTC 2023

Hi Developers of Ubuntu!

We’re introducing an (old but) new initiative, the patch pilot program. 
This program is all about mentoring contributors to navigate through 
patch submissions, package sponsoring, and other contribution 
activities.  Please read the full announcement here, especially so if 
you're reading along and have considered contributing but got stuck. A 
special thanks to those of you who have already flown a few piloting 
sessions, you're making a big difference for those interested in 


What aspects of contributing to Ubuntu do you find challenging? This 
will help guide what future patch piloting tasks would be valuable, or 
if there are other ways that we could improve the contribution process. 
You are welcome to respond either on the mentioned discourse post or 
here, or create a new topic on the community discourse category.

Finally, if you'd like to become a patch pilot, please read the guide at 

Happy flying!

Ubuntu Community Team

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