Minutes of the Technical Board meeting (6th of January 2014)

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Mon Jan 6 22:18:50 UTC 2014

So this was the first meeting of the newly elected Technical Board.

 * infinity
 * kees
 * mdeslaur
 * sabdfl
 * slangasek
 * stgraber (chair)

Full meeting log:

== Review our current "provisional" Micro Release Exceptions ==
List: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions

After some discussion of the difficulties in evaluating the current
provisional MREs, it was decided that, as a starting point, we should
get a list of all unused MREs.

ACTION: Kees Cook to get a list of unused MREs

Ways of improving feedback on MREs were also discussed with the general
consensus being that we should set more detailed conditions when
accepting provisional MREs and better coordinate with the SRU team to
make them aware of new MREs and get feedback from them on the success or
failured of those MREs.

== Requiring TB members to be Ubuntu core developers [micahg] ==
It was decided that we would not make coredev membership a requirement
but instead trust the Technical Board and Mark's judgement when coming
up with the shortlist of candidates and then the voters' own judgement
to elect those who they see fit for the role.

As a result, no change will happen and we'll stick with the status quo.

== Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item) ==
Since the Technical Board expired a few months ago, there were a few
threads going on on the mailing-list.

One was regarding a one-time MRE for various X stack packages which
doesn't appear to be required anymore as a SRU team member already
approved those uploads.

Another is the current thread about hibernation which we'll continue to
discuss on the mailing-list as there doesn't appear to be anything for
the TB to vote on at this point.

Lastly, we briefly discussed SmartScopes and the thread asking why the
server side code isn't open. The discussion will continue on the list.
However at this point there doesn't appear to be anything the Technical
Board can do about this.

== Next meeting ==

The next meeting will be on Monday 20th of January at 21:00 UTC
with Adam Conrad (infinity) chairing.

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer
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