Minutes from the Developer Membership Board meeting - 2013-06-03
Iain Lane
laney at ubuntu.com
Fri Jun 7 15:57:56 UTC 2013
== 2013-06-03 ==
* Chair: Laney
* Present: barry, bdrung, micahg, stgraber, tumbleweed
* Log: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-06-03-15.01.log.html
=== Review of previous action items ===
The discussion about "Review of previous action items" started at 15:04.
* '''bdrung to write up a short summary of sweetshark's recent sponsorship''': Done
* '''barry to conduct sweetshark ppu vote on ubuntu-dmb list''': Done. We
established that this hasn't been communicated yet. ''ACTION:'' barry to
send outcome of sweetshark ppu vote
* '''all: review separation of ppu from membership''': Laney has posted a
public version of a previously DMB-internal proposal at
http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal - all DMB members and
interested parties are encouraged to read/amend/comment before 2013-06-17.
There are outstanding questions to be resolved, and tasks to be signed up for.
''ACTION:'' everyone read and amend
http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal, and sign up for the
implementation tasks.
=== Adjusting dynamic PPU to make being a DD and an Ubuntu Developer of any
kind the prerequisite, instead of PPU. ===
The discussion about "Adjusting dynamic PPU to make being a DD and an Ubuntu
Developer of any kind the prerequisite, instead of PPU." started at 15:08.
* ''LINK:'' https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2013-May/000483.html
For this experimental procedure, we currently require DDs to be PPU already.
This is an anomaly; we should just require applicants to be Ubuntu developers.
Everyone present agreed without a formal vote.
* ''ACTION:'' laney to update DD-PPU process to say that any ubuntu-dev is eligible
=== MOTU Application - Matt Fischer ===
The discussion about "MOTU Application - Matt Fischer" started at 15:14.
* ''Vote:'' should mfisch join ~motu? (Carried)
* Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 6/0/0)
=== MOTU application - Dmitry Shachnev ===
The discussion about "MOTU application - Dmitry Shachnev" started at 15:50.
* ''Vote:'' should mitya57 join ~motu? (Carried)
* Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 6/0/0)
* ''ACTION:'' laney to add mfisch and mitya57 to motu
=== AOB ===
We received an enquiry from Daniel Pocock about getting upload rights. Laney
was looking around for someone to reply. bdrung, being a sporting chap,
* ''LINK:'' https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2013-June/000491.html
* ''ACTION:'' bdrung to reply to Daniel Pocock on devel-permissions
Iain Lane [ iain at orangesquash.org.uk ]
Debian Developer [ laney at debian.org ]
Ubuntu Developer [ laney at ubuntu.com ]
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