Minutes of the Developer Membership Board meeting 2013-07-01

Stéphane Graber stgraber at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 15 18:51:13 UTC 2013

Sorry it took me so long to get around to sending those.

Present: stgraber, Laney, rbasak, bdrung, barry, tumbleweed, Daviey


== 2013-07-01 ==

 * Review of previous action items
  * Laney: everyone read and amend
    http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal, and sign up for the
    implementation tasks
      * Discussed at the end of the meeting
  * tumbleweed: add louis-bouchard to universe-contributors
      * done

 * MOTU Applications - Robie Basak
   * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobieBasak/ServerDeveloperApplication
   * This was granted with 5/0/0 (yes/no/abstention)

 * PPU upload rights - Robie Basak
   * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RobieBasak/ServerDeveloperApplication
   * This was specifically for the Ubuntu Server packageset
   * The request was granted with 5/0/0 (yes/no/abstention)

 * PPU membership proposal
   * http://pad.ubuntu.com/dmb-ppu-membership-proposal
   * We don't seem to unanimously agree on one of the options, so Laney
     will setup a CIVS poll and we'll go with the winner.

== Action items ==
 * Laney to setup a CIVS poll to choose between the two options
   (and NOTA) for PPU membership

== Next meeting ==
The next meeting will be on Monday 15th of July at 19:00 UTC in
#ubuntu-metting on freenode and will be chaired by ScottK.

Please join me in welcoming our new MOTU and PPU uploader, Robie Basak!

Stéphane Graber
Ubuntu developer
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