Minutes of the Developer Membership Board Meeting - 2012-09-24

Stefano Rivera stefanor at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 24 16:26:57 UTC 2012

Chair: Stefano Rivera

Present: Stefano Rivera, Iain Lane, Micah Gersten, Benjamin Drung,
Stéphane Graber

=== Review of previous action items ===

==== micahg to document the zentyal packageset ====

Blocked on

Action carried.

==== laney to delete network-manager packageset ====

Likewise, action carried.

==== laney to contact menesis about schooltool packageset ====

Action carried.

We also need to follow up on the netbook/unr/mobile packagesets.

=== Upcoming meetings ===

We decided to have a meeting at UDS. Hopefully, there'll be some
candidates present.
Because 8 October is a public holiday in the US, we'll skip it, and have
a meeting on the 15th, which is, conveniently, two weeks before UDS.

After which we'll return to the regular schedule (probably skipping a
week in the process).

=== Other Business ===

Micah proposes creating a docs packageset, he'll ask the potential

=== Next chair ===

Stéphane Graber

Full logs:


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 461 1230 C: +27 72 419 8559
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