UDS sessions to follow up on discussions from ubuntu-devel

Pete Graner pete.graner at canonical.com
Fri Oct 26 07:49:54 UTC 2012

Ubuntu Developers,

There were a couple of proposals on ubuntu-devel during the Quantal
cycle that generated a lot of good discussion but didn't reach a firm
conclusion at the time.  Now that the Quantal release is out the door,
its time that we turn our attention to them again.  As such several
blueprints were created that cover these topics and there will be
sessions at UDS.  Listed below are the sessions to discuss the
following topics:

 * App Developer Upload Process:
   - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdev-r-app-upload-process-feedback
   - http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-r/meeting/21213/the-new-ubuntu-app-developer-upload-process/

 * Releases without milestone freezes:
   - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-schedule

 * Enabling flavor empowerment:
   - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-r-empowered-flavors

If you are interested in these topics, we welcome your participation in
the UDS sessions, either in person or remotely


~pete (for Pete & Steve Langasek)
Pete Graner - Release Engineering & QA Team Manager - <pgraner at canonical.com>
Canonical Ltd. - http://www.canonical.com/

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