Ubuntu Developer Week: 31st Jan-2nd Feb

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Wed Jan 25 15:01:43 UTC 2012

Hello everybody,

It's everybody's second-most favourite time of the release again. No,
not the actual release, but it's Ubuntu Developer Week!


Join us from Tuesday, 31st January 2012 to Thursday, 2nd February 2012
for three action-packed days full of tutorial and hands-on session all
around Ubuntu development. We spared no efforts to bring you a very
diverse set of topics and a very diverse set of speakers as well. This
time we managed get speakers from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Pakistan, Poland,
South Africa, Spain, UK and USA.

No matter if you are new to Ubuntu development or quite experienced
already, we are sure going to have an interesting session for you.
Here's just an excerpt of the great things to come:

 * Packaging: find out how software is put into Ubuntu and how it's
   maintained. We have a variety of hands-on sessions where Ubuntu
   developers share their experience with you. It's the perfect time to
   get involved.
   Sessions: Intro to Ubuntu development, Getting set up, Dos and
             Dont's, working with Upstream projects, building packages
             locally, using pkgme for automatic packaging, writing good
             changelog entries, distributed development and loads more.
 * Quality Assurance and Bug Fixing: One of the greatest ways to
   contribute to Open Source is resolving problems. Not only for you,
   but for millions of users out there. Join in to find out from
   experts how to make Ubuntu even better.
   Sessions: Bug lifecycle, triaging bugs, fixing small bugs in lots of
             different settings, automated testing, and lots of
             hands-on action
 * Writing code: we will talk about apps, tools, projects and
   infrastructure to make writing software for Ubuntu even easier.
   Sessions: automated testing, pair programming, code review,
             technology overview, introductions to many cool
             technologies and making your apps rock.
 * Ubuntu projects and Ubuntu in the bigger picture: Ubuntu has grown
   dramatically and lots of different project make the awesomeness we
   release every six months. Find out who's doing what and what's new.
   Sessions: Ubuntu TV, Edubuntu, juju, the Cloud, Unity and Debian.

Joining in is trivial. Use normal IRC (even a web browser will do) [1]
or install Lernid [2] and connect.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/JoiningIn
[2] apt://lernid

We put lots of effort into this great event. 31st January to 2nd
February will be a great time and just for you. Bring your friends and
your questions.

As this is generally asked very often: yes, we will keep logs of all the
session if you shouldn't be able to attend. We will make them available
on the Ubuntu Developer Week page.

More info:
 * Timetable: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek
 * Session descriptions:
 * How to join in: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek/JoiningIn
 * Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/215339905226998

Have a great day,

Get involved in Ubuntu development! developer.ubuntu.com/packaging
Follow @ubuntudev on identi.ca/twitter.com/facebook.com/gplus.to

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