Precise Unseeded Universe Final Freeze now in effect.

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at
Tue Apr 24 16:30:25 UTC 2012

Dear Developer,
    The Unseeded Universe Final Freeze is now in effect. This
effectively finishes up the changes going into the Precise Ubuntu
archive for the release.
Iain Lane has kindly gathered some precise statistics ;) (see below)
summarizing what has occurred in the Ubuntu project archive this cycle.

Thank you to the 386 uploaders, and all those who have been contributing
by reviews and feedback,  allowing us to get the archive in such good
shape for our LTS release!  :)

On behalf of the Ubuntu release team,  Thank you!!!



386 uploaders

18630 non-rebuild non-langpack uploads (including auto-syncs) (12636 excluding)

Uploads by day (non-automatic only)

     dow     | count 
   Tuesday   |  2722
   Wednesday |  2398
   Monday    |  2266
   Thursday  |  2255
   Friday    |  2092
   Saturday  |  2065
   Sunday    |  1318

Top 15 packages by number of uploads

        source         | count 
 debian-installer      |    64
 lxc                   |    53
 ubiquity              |    42
 libvirt               |    39
 linux                 |    38
 gnome-control-center  |    38
 gnome-settings-daemon |    36
 cobbler               |    34
 nautilus              |    34
 whoopsie-daisy        |    33
 byobu                 |    32
 firefox               |    31
 nova                  |    31
 thunderbird           |    29
 gtk+3.0               |    28


     signed_by_name      | count 
 Jonathan Riddell        |   212
 Daniel Holbach          |   171
 Martin Pitt             |   112
 Scott Kitterman         |    62
 Ken VanDine             |    56
 Colin Watson            |    54
 Sebastien Bacher        |    51
 Micah Gersten           |    46
 James Page              |    39
 Fabrice Coutadeur       |    35
 Luke Yelavich           |    28
 Felix Geyer             |    27
 Andrew Starr-Bochicchio |    23
 Stefano Rivera          |    22
 Stéphane Graber         |    20

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