Minutes from the Technical Board meeting, 2011-11-28

Kees Cook kees at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 28 21:53:07 UTC 2011

 * Meeting: 2011-11-28
  * Chair: Kees Cook
  * Attendees: Kees Cook, Martin Pitt, Colin Watson, Soren Hansen, Stéphane
  * Apologies: Matt Zimmerman

 * Action review: everything from last meeting completed.

 * Opening backports pocket pre-release
  * approve opening backports pre-release proposal as updated in
    For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0

 * Edubuntu LTS Application
  * ''ACTION:'' highvoltage: produce list of source packages that will get
    security support.
  * ''ACTION:'' stgraber: invite Kubuntu folks to TB for LTS discussion.

 * Recurring: Brain storm review (Next due: December 2011)
  * ''ACTION:'' pitti: document brainstorm review activity
  * ''ACTION:'' kees: perform brainstorm review

 * Scan the mailing list archive for anything we missed (standing item)
  * nothing missed.

 * Check up on community bugs (standing item)
  * nothing needed action.

 * Select a chair for the next meeting
  * pitti volunteered


Kees Cook

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