Reminder: Oneiric Alpha 2 release scheduled for July 7th.

Kate Stewart kate.stewart at
Fri Jul 1 15:29:37 UTC 2011

Dear Developers,

   We've started to get ready for the Alpha 2 release, and work through
the milestone processes.     A list of the images we're targeting to
produce (and the associated contacts for each) can be found at:

   Alpha 2 is scheduled for July 7th, so we'll be freezing for the
release on 0600 UTC on July 5th.  This will be a soft freeze,  so please
refrain from uploads after this time, until the release is out.

   Between now and the freeze,  please try avoid (and help us eliminate)
any Package Inconsistencies,  and if you know of a bug that is affecting
the release, make sure it is milestoned to oneiric-alpha-2.

   We'd also appreciate your help with updates to the release notes (ie
highlights,  bugs to watch out for,  etc.) to

Thank you for your help with getting Alpha 2 ready to release.


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