Minutes from the Developer Membership Board meeting 2011-01-03
Michael Bienia
michael at bienia.de
Tue Jan 4 17:54:18 UTC 2011
Developer Membership Board meeting 2011-01-03 19:00 UTC
Chair: Cody Somerville
Present: Benjamin Drung, Soren Hansen, Stéphane Graber, Michael Bienia
Absent: Emmet Hikory, Colin Watson
== Action review ==
* Colin Watson to find a convenient time for a meeting for Martin Pool's application
Colin Watson wasn't present, carrying action item
== Administrative Matters ==
* Review Marco Rodrigues participation in Ubuntu Development
Cody Somerville sent an e-mail to Marco with the rules about his
probationary period (duration: ~90 days) after which his request to
lift his ban will be reviewed again.
Cody will act as a proxy for Marco (all his requests must go to Cody
first for review) during this probationary period. After this period
Cody will report to the DMB.
* Review responsibilities and requirements of DMB delegates
Cody Somerville will write a mail about it to start a discussion.
== PerPackageUploader Applications ==
* Martin Pool (bzr and related packages)
As Martin wasn't around (timezone issues, see above), his application
was deferred again.
== MOTU Applications ==
* Angel Abad
Result of the voting is: 4 for, 0 against, 1 abstained. Total: 4
The application was approved.
== Ubuntu Core Developer Applications ==
* Barry Warsaw
Result of the voting is: 2 for, 1 against, 1 abstained. Total: 1
The application was denied.
== Next meeting ==
* January 17th, 2011 12:00 UTC
* Chair: TBD
Log: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/03/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t19:23
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