Minutes from the Developer Membership Board meeting 2011-03-28

Iain Lane laney at ubuntu.com
Sun Apr 3 09:20:01 UTC 2011

Developer Membership Board meeting 2011-03-28 19:00 UTC

Chair: Cody Somerville
Present: Michael Bienia, Benjamin Drung, Iain Lane, Mackenzie Morgan

== Review of previous action items ==

  * Emmet Hikory to organise the selection process for DMB renewal

== Administrative matters ==

  * Review progress of probationary period of Marco Rodrigues
    Cody to send email summarising the probationary period to DMB
    list. As a short summary, Cody was not convinced that the probation
    had been effective.

   * Membership renewal policy for delegated teams (IainLane)
     Developers for delegated teams cannot currently renew their own
     membership (set to require administrator approval). It was agreed
     to change this in Launchpad so that they can.
     [AGREED] Allow members of delegated teams to renew themselves
     [ACTION] Laney to update delegated teams to allow members to renew
     their memberships themselves.

   * New meeting time (IainLane)
     Following discussion on the DMB list about problems achieving
     quorum, it was agreed to move our 1900UTC meeting to 2000UTC so
     that more members are able to attend.

== Ubuntu Core Developer Applications ==

   * Clint Byrum -

     The result of the voting was 5 for, 0 against. 0 abstained.

     The application is approved.

== Next Meeting ==

   * April 11, 2011 12:00 UTC
     Chair: TBD
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