DocumentationFreeze in Effect for Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) Development

Robbie Williamson robbie at
Thu Sep 9 18:45:02 BST 2010

We are now at the point where we freeze activities that create and/or
modify strings in Documentation. This freeze allows the documentation to
be translated.

Exceptions may be made before release, on the following grounds:

* Major glaring typos
* Exceptional circumstances

A string change must be discussed (and approved) on the mailing list
(see If a string is
changed after the freeze, it must be communicated to the translators (by
writing to the ubuntu-translators mailing list) with enough time to
update the translations before the translation freeze.

After release, any fixes must comply with the StableReleaseUpdates
procedure (and are therefore acceptable in extremely limited
circumstances, as prescribed by that page), and where necessary must be
accompanied by translations before uploading.

Robbie Williamson                                     robbie at
Ubuntu                                         robbiew[]                               

"You can't be lucky all the time, but you can be smart everyday" 
 -Mos Def

"Arrogance is thinking you are better than everyone else, while
Confidence is knowing no one else is better than you." -Me ;)

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