Minutes from the Technical Board meeting, 2010-11-16

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at ubuntu.com
Tue Nov 16 16:24:30 GMT 2010

This is also available on the web at

Chair: Martin Pitt
Present: Colin Watson, Kees Cook, Scott James Remnant
Guests: Scott Kitterman, Allison Randall, John Lenton, Eric Casteleijn
Next chair: sabdfl (carried over)

Action review
* Colin to ensure that documentation on nature of extras.ubuntu.com archive makes it into process docs, and ensure that ARB legality checks are synchronised with those of ubuntu-archive. '''DONE'''
* Matt to write up Quarterly Brainstorm review and send to TB mailing list. '''DONE'''

KDE micro version update exception
* upstream policy draft: http://techbase.kde.org/Policies/Minor_Point_Release_Policy/Draft
* Proposed policy: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/UpdatesPolicy
* Approved with 3 for, 0 against. 0 abstained
* Martin added this to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions

couchdb on lucid: backport 1.0
* https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2010-November/000563.html
* UbuntuOne cloud servers got updated to couchdb 1.0 to handle the load and SSL
* According to README and James Westby, the 0.10 -> 1.0 upgrade needs to be done manually for the system wide instance
* Impact on per-user couchdbs to be clarified
* API is said to not have changed "much", but any change will break existing couchdb applications, and thus needs to be clarified and evaluated
* will cause problems with shared home directories and clients with mixed 1.0/0.1 packages
* To be investigated by U1 team: introduce couchdb-1.0 package into lucid; what other packages need to be changed, what's the impact?
* To be re-discussed at next meeting with more information on the wiki page

ARB exception proposal
* https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps/MaverickExceptionsProposal
* Public python libraries shouldn't be a matter for these packages
* Private libraries could be kept in the app dir by setting sys.path
 * Can quickly templates be updated in lucid to automatically add the application dir to sys.path?
 * Non-quickly apps would have a requirement to set this up by themselves; is that practical?
* .pyc files are not a must, so we could ship maverick packages without them
* general opinion was that making an exception for desktop files only would be okay
* Some discussion whether using a vendor prefix in /opt would make sense

Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)
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